Arvey Meserue, Ann Tanksley


Arvey Meserue, Ann Tanksley


Ann Tanksley. Calligraphy, 14” x 11” .


“Ann Tanksley’s work tells a story. It is an autobiography of her inner spirit melded with her experiences and travel; at other times it is about social injustices and the universal plight of rural workers. She retells stories. She visually interprets the prose of Zora Neale Hurston. Ann is a “social commentator” who would like people to understand her through her work and to understand her point of view. She communicates through the figures of the paintings rather than through abstract expression; even though there is an “Abstract Expressionist” quality to her work”.

Accessed 4/26/19,

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Ann Tanksley. Calligraphy, 14” x 11”